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From blogosphere to broadcast radio, see what people are saying about lingro!
lingro in the media
Since its launch in mid-November 2007, Lingro has been featured by print, broadcast, and Internet news sources from around the globe. Read what people are saying about the project, and consider trying Lingro yourself to learn a language and help build the world's largest collection of free dictionaries.

For more about who we are and what we're doing, visit our about us page. You can learn more about Lingro's open dictionaries on our dictionary builder page.
featured press
"Lingro lets users read Web sites and click on any word for a translation. The new Web-based service works in English, Spanish, Italian, German, French and Polish. The site uses open dictionaries, so users can help fill in missing words. [Listen to the broadcast]"
Lingro translates Web sites word-by-word
"The use-case here is people who are pretty good at reading another language, but get stuck on the occasional word (I'm this way with Spanish), but more importantly, the project builds on and releases free and open multi-lingual dictionaries, which are long overdue."
Lingro: translate every word on every webpage, in real time, with free/open dictionaries
"Lingro ist ein elegantes Online-Wörterbuch für sechs verschiedene Sprachen. Vor allem aber kann man über Lingro anderssprachige Webseiten aufrufen und danach jedes Wort, das man nicht kennt, mit einem Klick nachschlagen und übersetzen lassen. Und das Ganze funktioniert sogar auch mit Textdokumenten, wenn man sie hochlädt. [Watch the screencast]"
"U spreekt een aardig woordje Spaans of Italiaans en leest zelfs websites in die vreemde taal? Dan is een onmisbaar hulpmiddel voor als u een keer een woord of uitdrukking niet begrijpt."
Vertaal elk woord op een site met één klik
"Ce n'est pas sans raison que l'équipe qui a conçu Lingro parle du "fastest multilingual dictionary on the web"."
Traduisez chaque mot d'un site d'un seul clic
additional coverage
"It's the free, real-world, webpage equivalent of the interactive texts CD-Roms that we used to find handy when I was a pupil at school, but it's got a far more interactive interface that allows you some real flexibility"
Lingro - turns any webpage into an interactive language learning tool
"Lingo is an extraordinarily handy tool for anyone learning a foreign language."
Lingro Language Learner
"Me parece que sus posibles usos educativos son grandes. Una herramienta web 2.0 que pronto muchos especialistas incluirán en sus artículos."
Lingro. el perfecto diccionario 2.0 en seis idiomas.
"A superb free online dictionary to use with any webpage you are looking at."
Secondary Modern Languages Websites
"Essentially, it’s as easy to use as one click on the unknown word on any web page newspaper, magazine, whatever that you’re reading."
We can help, says, and it’s true
"Lingro ist intuitiv bedienbar und hat viele nützliche Tools... Natürlich kannst du Lingro auch einfach nur als Wörterbuch nutzen und die Wörter, die du suchst, eingeben und die Übersetzung dazu bekommen. Du kannst aber auch ein Dokument in Lingro hochladen und die Wörter anklicken, die du nicht kennst. Dann kommt wieder die blaue Tooltip-Blase und hilft dir, den Text zu verstehen. Wirklich tolle Seite!"
Sprachlos war gestern
"Wirklich eine faszinierende Möglichkeit, die auch noch Spaß bringt."
Geniales Übersetzungs-Tool gefunden...
"Das Ganze ist sehr intuitiv konzipiert und besticht durch schnelle und einfache Handhabe."
Lingro – übersetzen leicht gemacht
"Moim zdaniem jest bardzo obiecującym narzędziem."
Wikisłownik dostrzeżony
"Whether I'm using its web viewer or online dictionary, lingro is always fast and responsive. Its definitions are on par with competing closed source dictionaries and if you don't understand a word in the definition, just click on it twice to get its meaning. This can go on infinitely and before you know it, you end up learning about a ton of different words... After my experience with lingro, I won't be surprised if lingro becomes the de facto online dictionary in time to come."
"There are tons of translation services out there but Lingro, I think, is a little slice of genius."
lingro - marvellous translation/learning service
"¿Se imaginan las posibilidades de todo tipo y educativas del recurso?"
Lingro: diccionario on line de webs.
"Un concept intelligent, plutôt ergonomique je trouve. Reste à voir comment l'outil peut s'intégrer aux pratiques et habitudes quotidiennes... ;-)"
Lingro traduit le web façon 2.0
"Es una aplicación interesante para facilitar la navegación por páginas escritas en diferentes idiomas (español, ingles, francés, alemán, italiano y polaco). Su manejo es muy intuitivo. Dejo colocado un link directo en la sección de enlaces."
Traductor Lingro
"you can imagine how overjoyed I was to discover a new, impressive translation website called Lingro."
Zbawienie (salvation)
"what lingro does is it joins the dots... everything is integrated. It streamlines the process. It's pretty simple to use. And it's free." - open source language learning
"You just enter the URL of the website you want to read in the box, click, and presto, you can get the meaning of any word that's in the built-in dictionary."
"Mais la cerise sur le gâteau c’est que vous pouvez mettre vos élèves à modifier et à compléter le traducteur, travail collaboratif marque web 2.0"
lingro, traduction 2.0
"Penso che questo strumento, oltre alla sua evidente utilità in assoluto, possa avere grandi potenzialità educative nel campo dell’apprendimento linguistico e agevolare la ricerca via web rendendo accessibili a chiunque contenuti in lingue sconosciute."
Lingro: dizionario 2.0 multilingue e ambiente di apprendimento
"definately the best online dictionary so far."
" is insanely useful for translating and defining words from many major world languages."
Translate and define webpages with Lingro
"L'obiettivo? Creare uno strumento aperto e utile ai cittadini della rete, "uno strumento che ciascuno (anche la concorrenza) potrà utilizzare per altri progetti rilasciati sotto licenza FDL e Crative Commons""
Lingro, un traduttore partecipativo
"Todos conocemos la importancia de saber idiomas, y todos aquellos que alguna vez nos hemos puesto a estudiarlos o que simplemente visitamos sitios en otra lengua hemos pasado por un problema, el de traducir términos sueltos."
lingro, traduce palabras de forma práctica mientras navegas
"An excellent tool for all my fellow linguaphiles out there."
Lingro: On Demand Word Translation
"Lingro fait exactement la même chose, mais sur la page de votre choix! C'est facile comme 1, 2 et 3!"
Lingro: dictionnaire et traduction style 2.0
"You really should try this... OK, so there are a lot of translation sites out there but this is the best we've come across for a while."
"I haven't been this impressed by an online tool for a very long time... It's slick looking site that just works really well... Truly awesome."
WOWing: Lingro, online instant translation tool
"con Lingro podrás navegar a través de páginas de diferentes idiomas, teniendo muy a mano el diccionario necesario."
Traduce webs a partir de diccionarios abiertos y colaborativos con Lingro...
" ind, skriv adressen den hjemmeside, du gerne vil have hjælp til at oversætte og vælg det sprog, der skal oversættes til/fra."
Oversæt nettet ord for ord
"Traductores los hay para todos los gustos y necesidades, pero Lingro es especialmente útil en un contexto muy habitual"
Lingro, un traductor online muy bien pensado.
"Endlich mal wieder eine wunderbar praktische Webseite, die es wert ist, ganz oben in den Lesezeichen plaziert zu werden."
"Lingro facilita el proceso de traducir palabras con diccionario digital o físico a la mano. Además de este práctico traductor Lingro también tiene un diccionario multilingue."
Traducir palabras con sólo un clic - Lingro